Five Chemical Peel Misconceptions

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Have you ever considered getting a chemical peel? Laser skin resurfacing and dermabrasion grab a lot of attention these days but chemical peels have been used for many years to address superficial scars and treat irregular pigmentation. When performed by a well-trained professional, a chemical peel is a safe, simple and cost-effective procedure. This post will attempt to clear up any misconceptions:

Chemical peels are only used to address dermatological issues
Not exclusively. Certainly chemical peels can work wonders on acne scars, hyperpigmentation and sunspots but they’re also a great option if you’re seeking to address fine lines and wrinkles. Did you know they can boost collagen production? Simply put, a chemical peel can freshen and improve the overall appearance of your skin.

Chemical peels take a long time to administer
Not the case at all. Most chemical peels take no longer than 20 minutes. It’s easily something that could be accomplished on a lunch hour which brings us to the next point….

Chemical peels require a lengthy recovery time
Actually you may encounter no recovery time at all if you opt for a gentle alpha hydroxy or glycolic acid peel. Some patients may experience stinging, redness and sensitivity afterwards but it all depends on the strength of the peel applied. At SBC we offer three main types of peels: gentle exfoliating salicyclic acid, slightly more intense glycolic acid and our strongest trichloroacetic acid or TCA peel.

Chemical peels aren’t ideal for dry skin
Not necessarily. A lactic acid peel from the alpha hydroxy acid family is a lot gentler than the rest of the acids so it’s a better choice for drier or sensitive skin. Plus it’s a natural acid, so there’s less of an allergic reaction with it as well.

Chemical peels aren’t for dark complexions
It depends on the type of peel. Since the majority of people opt for superficial peels of the alpha hydroxy / salicyclic acid variety, generally those with darker skin tones needn’t be concerned. However, stronger chemical peels are usually not recommended for darker skin tones, especially if a patient has a history of pigmentation whether it’s hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation or a tendency to develop keloid scars.

Call our offices to learn more about chemical peels and to determine if one is right for you.

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