New Year Skin Care Resolutions for 2020!

Saffron Villaryo
Licensed Medical Aesthetician

Happy New Year from all of us at SBC Beauty! Now that the New Year is officially upon us, we begin to think of resolutions to set for the coming year. This year, how can you take better care of your skin daily and enjoy the benefits of a better complexion?

Here are my Top 5 New Year “Skin-tentions” to help you achieve better skin throughout the coming year!

  1. Wear Your Sunscreen and Remember to Reapply – Sunscreen is your best protection from skin cancer and the damaging effects of the sun’s rays! It is the number #1 product you should be using on your skin every day to protect the health of your skin. Make sure that your first New Year Skin Care Resolution includes the daily application of a Sunscreen of at least SPF 30 or more. I like to recommend our Piel MD Antioxidant Moisturizing Sunscreen SPF 50, as it combines the powerful sunblock ingredient zinc oxide, along with antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Green Tea extract to help protect the skin from both harmful UVA and UVB rays, as well as the damaging effects of environmental free radicals. An important reminder that all sunscreens need to be applied 30 minutes PRIOR to sun exposure, to have time to fully absorb into the skin, and then you must re-apply your sunscreen every 2 hours to ensure full protection. If you are outdoors, in the water or sweating, you will need to re-apply your sunscreen more frequently to remain fully protected.
  2. Skin Care Monthly Facials – The benefits of getting professional monthly treatments on your skin include clearer and younger looking skin to help give you the glow you want! These benefits are due in part to the deeper exfoliation of a facial and the extraction of blemishes, which will also help your products work better too. It is best to start sooner, rather than later at getting professional treatments, and the New Year is the perfect time to dedicate yourself to a new skin care routine! Monthly facials also stimulate collagen and elastin and help with circulation and lymph drainage to keep your skin looking beautiful month after month!
  3. Wash Your Skin Every Night – It is so important to make sure that your skin is well-cleansed before you put your head on the pillow at night! Forgetting to cleanse the skin at night can cause breakouts, blemishes and accelerated aging of the skin. One of your most important New Year’s resolutions should be to make sure to cleanse well before bedtime as part of your night time routine and to follow up with the appropriate night time products on your skin! Your skin will thank you and your products will work better. I recommend our Piel MD Antioxidant Cleanser for dry skin and our Piel MD Acne Cleanser for those with Acne or Oily skin.
  4. Exfoliate Twice A Week – Twice weekly exfoliation of your skin with a good exfoliant is the perfect at-home maintenance regimen in-between your facial appointments! This ensures that the dead skin cells, oil and debris that may be hiding deeper in the pores is getting removed on a regular basis and that your products will reach those deeper layers of skin! I recommend our Piel MD Exfoliating Foaming Cleanser for the perfect twice-weekly treatment.
  5. Get Your Skin Checked By A Dermatologist Once A Year – In addition to daily sunscreen application, cleansing and monthly facial treatments, it is very critical for the health of your skin to get checked by your Dermatologist once a year. Our Skin & Beauty Dermatologists will perform a full-body skin check to ensure that any suspicious moles and growths can be looked at and removed, if necessary. A full-body skin check is extremely important, as there may be moles or suspicious lesions which you are unable to see and which your Dermatologist can assess for you. Make your annual appointment today with one of our SBC Dermatologists!

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