Is Restylane Right for You?

The Restylane family of hyaluronic acid (HA) based fillers include Restylane, Restylane Silk, Restylane Lyft, Restylane Defyne and Restylane Refyne. Hyaluronic acid is a complex sugar molecule that is naturally found in our skin and is responsible for providing structural support. HA fillers are very safe to inject and carry a minimal chance of allergic reactions. They are also versatile, benefiting almost any patient who wants to look their best.

I have been injecting Restylane products for 15 years and I have confidence in them. Restylane is one of the most important tools in my cosmetic armamentarium. Patient satisfaction after receiving these treatments is very high. Adults young and old can improve their appearance using Restylane injections for on-label as well as off-label indications for various reasons from plumping the lips to achieving a non-surgical brow lift and much, much more!

How is Restylane different from its competitors?

First, Restylane can be considered “vegan” (not made with animal products). In contrast to Allergan’s competing line of HA fillers, Galderma’s Restylane HA products are bacterially derived. After the HA is made, it is purified, concentrated and cross-linked so there are no bacterial components in the final, sterile product.

View our current Restylane Specials

Restylane logo The Restylane family of fillers is also unique in that they may be able to provide more structural support due to their specific “G prime” value. Compared to Juvederm, Restylane is stiffer and this can be advantageous if the intention is to build up a specific area without having to be concerned that the product might migrate after it is injected.

Restylane fillers also tend not to draw as much water into them once injected, and therefore, tend to be associated with less swelling after injection compared to other HA fillers.

Lastly, Restylane syringes offer slightly more product compared to the equivalent competing brand’s syringes, so you may be getting more for your money if you choose Restylane over its competitors.

There are more differences between Restylane and other brands of HA fillers, but for the most part, HA fillers are used interchangeably and it is a matter of opinion and injector preference which product to use or recommend for a particular patient.

Restylane results
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When it comes to choosing the right filler for you, there is no better person to ask than your trusted dermatologist. Different brands of HA fillers are like different brands of cereals; there may be some differences between the brands, but overall, the products are very similar. For an experienced injector, filler choice will not likely affect the end result. The end result and patient satisfaction have more to do with the injector’s knowledge and artistry.

In summary, Restylane fillers are vegan, have a well-proven track record of safety and are manufactured by a company (Galderma) that is a leader in the field of aesthetics. If you are interested in knowing if Restylane might be a good treatment for you, please schedule a consultation with your provider to discuss it!

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