5 Sneaky Skin Spoiling Habits You May Be Guilty of:

Looking in the mirror

Okay, so you had a long day. But flopping into bed without washing your face can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Take a moment to lather up with a dime-sized drop of cleanser, remembering to rinse thoroughly. But if on some nights, you really haven’t the strength to even manage that, keep a supply of cleansing wipes handy for a quick swipe – it’ll do in a pinch.

2) Packing away the sunscreen with all your other summer gear
You may be thinking fall and cooler temps, not realizing the sun’s damaging rays can do a number on your skin all year round. Remember to apply a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher daily regardless of the season. And yes, a lot of foundations include SPF in their formulas – the problem is you may not use enough to make a difference. The best strategy is to apply a moisturizer with SPF 15 or above as the base for your regular makeup routine.

3) Getting Your Face Squeaky Clean
It’s easy to fall prey to ads touting the benefits of exfoliating your skin. But did you know scouring your face too often with a grainy scrub can do more harm than good? If you strip too much natural oil, your skin will produce extra to compensate which could lead to breakouts. Best to exfoliate once a week if you have normal skin; twice, if it’s oily or acne-prone; and for those of you with dry or sensitive skin, a gentle exfoliant once or twice a month is plenty.

4) Eating the Wrong Foods
Smooth, clear skin demands a well-rounded diet rich in vitamins and anti-oxidants. If you’re regularly reaching for processed and sugary foods, you’re missing out on critical nutrients. Make sure your eating plan centers around whole grains, dairy foods, fish and nuts. And don’t forget to load up on fruits and veggies! Your skin will reveal the difference.

5) Skimping on Sleep
Your body needs an optimal 8 hours of sleep each night, seven at the very least. Too many late nights at the office or out on the town will eventually translate into dull skin, dark under-eye circles and puffiness. Don’t let your body interpret a chronic lack of sleep as a state of emergency. This may produce stress hormones which will signal the body to divert oxygen away from your skin to major internal organs. So power down your electronic devices, put on some soothing music, take a relaxing bath and prepare to get the shut-eye you need.

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