How do I hide my rosacea?

istock 499758425 Women in the area of California who have been diagnosed with rosacea are not only battling the redness that is a trademark of this chronic skin condition, but finding the best makeup to achieve an even skin tone. In addition, the condition is also known for causing acne-like pimples that can spread not only throughout the face, but down to the neck and chest. The providers at the Skin and Beauty Center in California can help provide a proper diagnosis for rosacea, make treatment recommendations, and also educate women on the use of the right cosmetics to reduce the appearance of redness.

What are some ways to prevent rosacea flare-ups and conceal redness?

Below are a few recommendations and tips made by our team at the Skin and Beauty Center in regards to reducing the look of redness while reducing rosacea flare-ups:

  • Cleanse properly. Using a mild cleanser is the first step in clearer skin and to reduce irritation that can add to redness and inflammation. Our team recommends using a cleanser with glycerin or ceramides instead of sodium lauryl sulfate. Also, be gentle when cleansing, and pat the skin dry, don’t rub.
  • Add hydration to the skin. The use of a humidifier in the rooms you spend the most time can help reduce redness, as much of the redness is caused by dry skin. You can also use a noncomedogenic moisturizer that seals this moisture into the skin.
  • Avoid sun exposure. If you can’t, be sure to wear high SPF sunscreen on the face and other exposed areas. This is because UV rays are one of the most common triggers for patients who have rosacea.
  • Read product labels closely. Avoid makeup that has oils and look for those that are noncomedogenic, as these won’t clog the pores.
  • Use a yellow base in cosmetics, not green. Yellow-tinted makeup products can cancel out redness on the face more effectively than green-tinted makeup.
  • Consider mineral makeup. Many rosacea patients find that natural mineral makeup is not only easy to use, but good for the skin and provides immediate coverage. It is important that patients avoid adding too much makeup to the face, as it can look unnatural and draw more attention to the skin’s condition. Use light, uniform coverage throughout.

Ready to learn more about the treatment and concealing of rosacea?

Talk with one of our providers at the Skin and Beauty Center of California to discuss your needs with one of our providers. We have six convenient locations and a myriad of experienced professionals who can assist you. We accept current and new patients into our practices.

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